1. Description of a concrete case of anankastic impairment and possible resolution
The real circumstances of the emergence of developmental - neurological and personality disorders
Let's look at the following example of traumatic birth circumstances, which orthomedicine does not take into account and psychiatry does not solve. Therefore, right at the beginning, I add the solution to past traumas according to the teachings of Dr. Grabovoi and a few other possibly relevant number sets. More solutions are given in the post on Anankastic Disorder. An important warning and additional workarounds for those affected and included are added in subtitle 2.
Trauma from the past 519.317.41948
Psychosomatic disorder 518916
ADHD disorders 498.611.01931
Negativism 519.448.9148
Psychopathy 4182546
Symptom 498721
OCD 8142543
In order to protect either the child or the mother, the maternity council may decide on a premature delivery. Let's say that critical pulmonary asthenia is indicated for a woman in labor, followed by a decision for premature vacuum delivery. Without great insight, a layperson can understand that this is an extremely severe shock for the woman in labor, and even more so for the newborn, which leaves a trauma on both of them on an unconscious level.
Then it should not be surprising if later 'NO' is the first spoken word of a child with such a trauma. Childhood continues for such a child in the sign of extremely difficult upbringing. Everything takes place in the sign of a stubborn 'NO' and the child's refusal to face new and unknown situations. It is possible that the OCD disorder and the development of perfectionism are also related to this later. Better mood and well-being can benefit from AMEPŠi revival (a type of Tibetan monk technique).
Now let's add to the vacuum birth the possible subsequent birth infection of the baby's urinary tract and reflux. Postfestum it is pointless to discuss what is the cause and what is the effect. Orthomedicine only comes into play when the newborn is close to death as a result and is urgently saved at the last moment. But the damage to the child's development is also caused by the resulting artificial feeding and early isolation of the child during treatment. This could also be called the second stage of newborn trauma.
The complete negative scenario of this child's early childhood continues with several years of antibiotic treatment until the reflux is healed. We can assume that the infant's pre-mortem exhaustion and subsequent antibiotic poisoning had consequences particularly in neurological development with consequent deficits in neurologically conditioned abilities. This can be described as the third phase of negative circumstances.
Can there be anything worse in the development of neurological & personality disorders? Typically, such a child develops ADHD, as a result of which he experiences additional stress at school and stigmatization in the environment due to the resulting problems and maladjustment in an environment with a backward - intolerant mentality. In any case, a child's life path is very thorny. The child's parents suffer no less, or even more.
In adulthood, an individual affected in this way develops various types of disturbed personality, for example anankastic disorder, depending also on the genetics of the parents and the environment. We can assume that many of the cases mentioned above have the common basis of OCD, ADHD, perfectionism. On top of that, there is also a possible difficult-to-identify additional disability with an autism spectrum disorder, which is of course also a neurological disability.
Cognitive resolution of anankastic disorder
Symptom, psychosoma, physicality
Amepši revival (use Google Translate from Slovenian)
2. 'Self-fulfilling personal prophecies', PM relaxation and revival
Psychomental relaxation, calming down, hygiene, revival
Unenlightened people tend to make negative affirmations. One of them is the statistical data that mothers of children with DNPD or otherwise disabled and difficult-to-raise children live an average of 20 years less. But there are many other negatives on the usual daily menu. For example, 'the earth will take problems', 'I would just die', 'I will just kill myself', 'I would kill them all', etc. Various exaggerations and potentiation of problems also belong to potentially very dangerous and harmful affirmations if someone constantly repeats them....
Such negative affirmations have the potential of 'self-fulfilling negative personal prophecies' according to the principles of the quantum mechanics of the conscious mind. Therefore, it is better to replace it with the opposite substantively positive statements, attitudes and beliefs. These are also self-fulfilling according to the same principles as negativity, but we can potentially expect favorable results. This is also consistent with the universal NORM, which is always positive.
To begin with, let's first shake off the accumulated psychomental impurities. We can do this with a numeric string
The name of the set just says that we release accumulated psychic tension and restlessness, which are the harmful remnants of disharmonious psycho-mental states. This refreshes us mentally and partially resets us. In the case of negative psycho-mental influences from the environment, we also use a numerical string
A more complete result is obtained with AMEPSHI REVIVAL
Amepši revival (use Google Translate from Slovenian)
For many, this Tibetan technique is simpler than concentrating on numerical strings. It also brings better well-being and mood by acting on the unconscious layers of consciousness and internal conflicts suppressed there. But there still remains the resolution of past traumas and possible resulting symptoms and pm disorders.
PAST TRAUMA 519.317.41948
Acquired psychomental and developmental-neurological disorders are a form of chronic complex psychological disability, for example anankastic disorder, unlike temporary psychosomatic disorders, for example tension myositis. A symptom is a (physical) problem without a physical cause, and TM originates from a disharmonious psyche.
SYMPTOM 498721
NEGATIVISM 519.448.9148