Possible treatment solutions for malignant, benign, surgical and autoimmune diseases
Post Pf. CXIX & AZ. CXIX Epidemic Consequences and Solving with Numerical Strings of dr. Grabovoi
To begin with, only the therapeutic numerical series of dr. Grabovoi are given to help potential seekers of such solutions. Recommended focus of the numeric string location relative to the body is added too.
Number sets were chosen specifically for a concrete case based on the available information, medical diagnoses and formal examinations. New medical research on the side effects of new vaccines is also used.
Most of the symptoms from the article were also observed in our case of a person with a neuro - oncological status. Subsequently, different diagnoses of similar symptoms were found. Dementia is not mentioned by the source, but in our case dementia was present. It may be part of multiple sclerosis. There have been no headaches so far.
The entire orthomedical and alternative story of the specific case will be described step by step and added later with a link to the GD document. This will be a continuation of the story with lung carcinoma.
----- important strings ------
1857422 dementia - head *
5451214 brain tumors - head
8185432 neurorheumatism - head
1234589 bone tumors of the skull - head
4818521 cerebral palsy - head ***
----alleged diagnoses according to the article - less likely------
1454580 phlebothrombosis and thrombophlebitis - head
5431547 brain and spinal cord tumors - head & spinal cord
51843218 multiple sclerosis = disseminated encephalomyelitis - head
51843218 multiple sclerosis = disseminated encephalomyelitis - back (spinal cord)
4548128 Guillain - Barre Syndrome - back (spinal cord)
8185432 neurorheumatism - back (spinal cord)
4891543 myelitis - back (spinal cord)
5.481.234 polydermatomyositis - pelvis and legs
---- other strings ------
71931 protection - whole ellipsoid or sphere
19751 neg. information - whole ellipsoid or sphere
8214351 against cancer. in general - a whole ellipsoid or sphere
1891013 neurovegetative asthenia syndrome - whole ellipsoid or sphere
2145432 resurrection and destruction of cancer - whole ellipsoid or sphere
The word RESURRECTION destroys cancer - repeats the patient out loud or silently
-------- less important strings----------
519.606.901.319 skin regeneration
5857121918 anxiety
5148123 serotonin - hormone of happiness
1888948 negative thoughts
1484855 epilepsy **
918714 bioenergy
741 harmony
For more comprehensive psychological support, see the Respiratory System Protocol post.
------- critical conditions ---------
28.7.741 prohibition of death - sphere of happiness
1258912 critical states
1489999 eternal life
2145432 resurrection
------- to help solve ---------
14111963 perfection
------- Brain regeneration - option-------- ****
219.317.819.298 Neurological system - complete
291.384.074.217 Brain - central nervous system
------ acceleration of regeneration and other technologies -----
519.606.901.319 Skin regeneration
------ neutralization of the mutual influence of managers and the treated person-----*****
489418 Psychohygiene
* The occurrence and status of dementia symptoms is unclear. Dementia symptoms became more pronounced after discharge from hospital to home care. We can assume that the side effects of orthomedical medications and radiation have left their degenerative consequences on the brain on the possible basis of previously unnoticed dementia. However, the consequences of carcinoma and radiation cannot be ruled out.
** Epilepsy is considered a mental illness. However, an epilepsy-like neurological syndrome occurred in a severe form with loss of consciousness almost immediately after combined medical management of brain edema and tumors with a combination of immunotherapy and radiation. The epilepsy attack was successfully treated by orthomedicine medically and it did not reoccur later. The string is therefore added informatively for related cases.
*** Until the last pre-epileptic medical intervention, the person could barely stand on her feet independently, and then she was confined to a medical bed. Maybe from the onset of the cancer, the symptoms in one leg progressed to a fatal stage. Classical physiotherapy tries to gradually improve the condition, but 3/4 of a physiotherapy hour costs 60 - 70 euros. Most can't afford it with their pension.
**** Supposedly, regeneration does not make sense if the regenerated body system is affected by another body system with the disease. It is necessary to first eliminate the disease influence from other functional parts, for example from the immune system. This means to partially or completely heal or regenerate the system from which the disease influence comes. The phenomenon of cerebral edema remained unexplained to the medical staff.....
The alternative status of the case is experimental, orthomedical unfortunately palliative. ... Rescue became extremely uncertain also due to the manifest strike of doctors and due to the unexpected appearance of dementia. The latter limits or prevents the active participation of a person in collective therapeutic management. The backwardness and irresponsibility of relatives and patronage is a point on top of all problems and limitations.
***** For all participants in information management, I recommend performing psychomental cleansing - psychohygiene on yourself after completing the task in order to eliminate possible mutual unwanted influences. If necessary, other psychonormalizations are performed to eliminate unwanted energy and psychomental transfers of states and characteristics from other participants.
In addition to the use of numerical strings and the mantra 'resurrection', I also recommend concentrating on selected body parts, which the sick person performs on himself. AZ vaccine is the origin of phlebothrombosis and neuro-autoimmune inflammations. That's why I highlight the usefulness of concentration on both thumbs, which has a normative effect simultaneously on the circulatory and immune systems and concentration for malignant tumors. An extended range of body concentrations is given in (1), link below.
The treatment can also be combined with alternative medications, as long as they are not a contraindication to the therapies of orthomedicine. In the summary from (1), I highlight: bromelain, baking soda, quercetin, dandelion roots, blueberry, organic lemon peel, sweet wormwood, kernels and oil from apricot kernels, organic strawberries, vitamin B17. Bromelain destroys the tumor envelope without side effects ?, it must be consumed on an empty stomach. Wash organic lemons in baking soda.
-----------------references -----------------
Possible solutions for malignant, benign and autoimmune diseases of respiratory system (1)
Ivermectin and radio-chemotherapy are not what we expect from them 1, 2
Remote information management for an immobile person
Full case story (in the process of creation)