Autoimmune anemia and regeneration of the immune system
Vitamin B12 deficiency can be a dangerous condition
Overview of associated conditions and effects
Forgotten hypothyroidism is in comment 1
Dizziness and unconsciousness
What To Know About Vitamin B12 Deficiency
In the previously published text, I overlooked and neglected the possible important role of vitamin B12, especially in energy deficiency and fatal impact on the neurological system. B12 deficiency is associated with autoimmune diseases and abstinence from red meat consumption. I was only sobered by a nasty fall with a painful injury to the hip ligaments, late te in the afternoon. This is neurological syncope as a short-term unconsciousness. B12 supplementation becomes a must! The continuation belongs to solving anemia
On Christmas, I rode a city bike to the city and then walked over Ljubljana's Rožnik hill. I was dizzy on the verge of collapse and had severe muscle weakness. I am already used to occasional mild arthralgias, so I did not pay attention to these mild symptoms in the left shoulder and right hip, fatigue and excessive secretion of mucus from the throat. I thought based on my experience: rheumatism, nutrition, the decline of the earth's magnetic field, constitutionally low blood pressure & pulse, maybe even biorhythm, the circumstances...
But due to feeling bad, I measured my blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure and pulse in the evening. The first measurement with the oximeter showed 84%, if I saw and measured correctly. Pulse jumped between 55 and 7o, blood pressure 109/60. Then I remembered the anemia as a result of rheumatism and immediately concentrated on the number set of Dr. Grabovoi for anemia 48543212. I added concentrations to both thumbs for rheumatism and blood-vascular diseases and continued to concentrate on Grabovoi's number set for polymyalgia 1489123.
The saturation on the oximeter did not improve more than 94% this evening and my feeling was accordingly. The next day, I repeated the concentrations on both thumbs and the numerical series for anemia and polymyalgia from the morning hours. I have added the combined numerical string monoradiculopathy (compressed peripheral nerve) + diffuse rheumatic soft tissue disease (lung and other organs). Mucus secretion stopped, arthralgia decreased, feeling improved, the oximeter showed 97%, which is satisfactory.
It is almost unknown that most rheumatic diseases also have pulmonary indications. The mildest form is the frequent need to expel mucus from the throat-bronchial part. I'm not a doctor, so writing about this is unprofessional. I assume that the autoimmune degradation extends to both lung function and blood cell formation. Both affect 'anemia', which the oximeter detects as low oxygen saturation. I bought it because of the corona pandemic, so that I wouldn't be treated with remdesivir and inhalers in the hospital if I got sick and the condition worsened. The oximeter instead proved itself in anemia.
I do not deny the classical medical explanations about iron, heredity and the like. I would add to this the rheumatic influences, which are overlooked in most sources. We don't need a medical theoretical study on the connection between rheumatism and anemia, but a solution. That's what I wanted to show in this post. Thanks to the Chinese for the cheap oximeter and blood pressure monitor, even more Dr. Grabovoi for his self-healing solutions. In autoimmune and anemic conditions, as well as in general, detoxification may also be beneficial.
Polymyositis & Dermatomyositis
If I wanted to be academically rhetorical, I would have to relativize the findings here with possible influences of biorhythm, weakening of the Earth's magnetism, hereditary anemia, weather, harmful radiation from the surroundings, etc. For now, I cannot determine the (in)efficiency of concentration on both thumbs, which I do regularly. By analogy with the body concentration for the skin, I assume that thumbs contribute to the improvement, but do not cure specific forms of rheumatism?.
A little more empirically based theory applied in practice should be added. Statistics from the observation of the incidence of relevant symptoms show that rheumatics have a very irritable immune system, which acts autoimmune in an irritated state. In the first place, it is irritated by dealing with pathogenic microbes, even if we do not get sick. But the immune system fights like a lion to prevent disease and then attacks the body.
There are other irritants from physical-chemical to psychomental. That is why we have, for example, rheumatism of the neurological system and rheumatism of mechanical activation. The latter is called periarthritis, and many who suffer from pain due to monotonously repeated physical load on the joint would solve the problem with scalar 4548145. The possible resulting anemia should not be neglected either.
In the 'mature years' there is a higher incidence of polymyositis-dermatomyositis. It manifests itself in the numbness of the body part, the gradual weakening of muscle strength, and almost always skin changes in the form of freckles and the like are also visible. Usually the feet are affected first, neurologists know this as foot drop. I fixed this last one myself for now with Grabovoi's scalar 5.481.234, the skin is also better.
Perhaps a more permanent solution for rheumatism is the regeneration of the immune system, which may take longer than treatment. The regeneration process can also help us to better understand the functionality of this important and complex system.
The video clip (Serbian) shows the complexity of the immune system, as well as the connection with the blood system. The strengthening of the immune system is carried out on the basis of the regeneration process. In the translation, I give 3 regeneration number sets.
Strengthening the immune system (YT - Serbian)
Strengthening the immune system - regeneration (pictures)
From the video follows:
Hematological system and immune defense 219.648.317.918
The immune system consists of 14 organs (video) 214.317.498.817
Skin regeneration accelerates other regenerations 519.606.901.319
Addendum: oximetric indication before collapse and possible help
The person perceives the condition as if he is going to collapse and looks at what the oximeter shows. A few seconds, or a few 10 seconds it shows a saturation of 65%. At the same time, the diagram between two pulses is initially aligned with the abscissa, then pulses appear, and the length of the 'abcissa' is gradually shortened. The saturation rises to an emergency 91-92%.
Possible anamnesis, diagnosis and therapy are as follows.
Before the measurement, weakness in the legs was detected, along with dizziness and poor balance, headaches, blurred vision, dystonicity. Autoimmune problems manifested themselves mainly in the joints.
I assume a constellation of the following influences: rheumatism with consequent anemia, low blood pressure, experimental diet with depleted carbohydrate intake, possibly poor hydration, influence of weather, full moon, insomnia, and probable oximeter errors.
The implementation of the anti-rheumatic protocol according to Dr. Grabovoi was surprisingly sufficient for improvement - rheumatism of the joints 5421891. The oximeter shows even 97% after only 3 consecutive concentrations on the numerical string, but then slowly settles on a compromise of 94%.
Perhaps this description could be instructive to some young person with an eating disorder, say orthorexia, anorexia. I know of one such person who has already collapsed twice, I assume that mainly due to a drop in blood sugar, with associated low blood pressure, anemia, insomnia and maybe something else.
Weakness can have other main reasons in such cases, then the anti-rheumatic protocol would not help, but maybe a piece of sugar...
In the case of carbohydrate abstinence, or in the case of an unbalanced diet, it might be possible to look for a solution in Grabovoi's short number set 518 - supply of the organism with all the necessary chemical elements, and additionally with 519 - regulation of the endocrine system.
In many cases, the cause is autoimmune inflammation – Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Orthomedicine solves this with thyroid hormones, for example Tirosint. In the case of my friend, who has been diagnosed with thyroiditis, side effects have appeared: heart attack sensations and pain in the heart, and excessive sweating. Her thyroid hormones are minimally below normal. I advised her to heal her ‘Hashimoto’ with the number sequence according to Dr. Grabovoj 4811111 instead of using Tirosint.
Her case reminded me that at the age of 30, I was also diagnosed with borderline low thyroid function, but the doctor did not decide that any therapy was necessary. So I have been living my whole life with constitutionally low blood pressure, rapid fatigue, excessive sweating, bradycardia, etc. Considering that I am also rheumatic and allergic, we are not far from assuming that I also have ‘constitutional Hashimoto’. With an unfavorable constellation with other dispositions, a life-threatening accident could happen to me.
In the post I dealt with anemia, diet, low blood pressure and heart rate, B12 deficiency, but I forgot about thyroiditis, which together with other causes, or on its own, can lead to a state of collapse. This happened to me last time, although only very briefly, but the result is now a painful hip sprain, which will require long-term rehabilitation to walk normally. Above all, I will have to focus on treating thyroiditis to avoid an even worse accident.
Relevant Grabovoi number series for treating thyroid conditions:
4811111 thyroiditis
4812415 hypothyroidism
4514321 hypoparathyroidism
5481412 hyperparathyroidism
Relevant links for thyroid problems
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 1 2
Hashimoto's disease