Most sources refer to muscle pain – myalgia, which is not consistent. The description should read ‘SOFT TISSUE AND FASCIA RHEUMATISM’. This rheumatism is not affirmed in orthomedicine, but it exists in the list of diseases and medicinal number series according to dr. Grabovoi. To avoid confusion, the title uses the established medical label.
Dear seeker of a solution to your illness
This kind of treatment is free, easy, safe and reliable. The solution is based on the methods of dr. Grigori Grabovoi. According to these methods, the practitioner uses his concentration on a treatment code that is appropriate for the treatment of a particular disease, together with the concentration on the treatment target. Everything else is done by microcosmic and macrocosmic quantum laws using the recommended conscious concentration. Dr. Grabovoi calls this concentration process information management. Thus, we can normalize the state of health, but we can also normalize any other state, or event, resulting in a canonical state. Man is, by definition, a creature of all possibilities. Grabovoi's quantum-information technologies enable us to start harnessing our innate potentials and capabilities. Unfortunately, many people marginalize the proven effectiveness of Grabovoi's methods by assuming a placebo effect. But what is the physical essence of placebo? Anyway, Grabovoi's codes are mathematically determined, presumably based on fractals.
The link below opens a file describing how I successfully got rid of my illness.
Cure of Polymyalgia rheumatica with Grabovoi's codes
Some general information
I also provided the following short general instructions.
General recommendations for information managment
POST SCRIPTUM By publishing your successful healing, you are contributing to the collective evolution of humanity. This is necessary for our continued existence. The concrete positive effects of evolution will also be faster healing outcomes and much more ..... Anyone can sign up anonymously with a backup e-mail & nickname and participate in posting the results of Grabovoi's technologies on this forum, or anywhere. Negative and malicious comments are not desirable.